Ready to become part of the adventure?
Feel free to contact us at pjt@going4the1.com or mary@going4the1.com.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
One more...in the name of love
I love the simplicity of that story. The message is so clear, so innocent. In a contest between childlike faith and cold hard reality, my money will always be on the kid.
Does this mean we live in a fairy tale world where everything always comes out right in the end? Is this adventure of ours to serve as missionaries in Europe just some kind of Peter Pan escapism? Or are we just crazy? The answer to at least two of those is definitely a resounding "No."
Granted, interacting with people, especially when we are strangers in their land, is not as simple as casting starfish into the sea. Nor is trying to open their eyes to a God that has been outlawed in their nation for decades. But we are called to go. We seek to save one more...in the name of love.
NLI had over 30 short term mission teams working in Europe this past year. These teams came from across the globe to minister in Slovakia, Romania, Spain, The Czech Republic, Poland and Romania. Over 300 volunteers gave of themselves to share the Good News. Not in massive rallies or outreaches, but in small groups, where they could meet people face to face, Where they could shares prayers, tears, and laughter. Did it make any difference? Allow me to share some feedback from the teams themselves, and you be the judge.
Slovakia>> "In the Crisis Orphanage we entered a room where the children were not familiar with visitors; these precious ones had been horribly abused and many could not even speak because they were so traumatized. Some never smiled, some were fearful of the males in our group. We began to blow up some animal balloons and interact with the children, after 4 hours of playing, skits and having fun almost every child was laughing and squealing with delight. When I asked the director of the home if there was anything we could do to bless them her answer was, 'You already have, just by coming and playing with the children. Apparently many churches come to the home to drop off toys etc. but no one will come in because there are gypsy children in the home, we were the first to actually go in, this was just one of the many open doors of which we were privileged to be a part."
Romania>> “The incredible love and commitment shown by so many local folk, many of whom have been through much persecution, put my own faith in the shade, but I know God used us to bless and be blessed.We have had our hearts and vision enlarged; we have been raised to a higher level of intimacy with God and of hearing the Holy Spirit; and we have returned so excited about who God is and what He can do. Our perspective has changed and we can never be the same again - nor would we want to.”
So there's a peek into the world where we will soon find ourselves. A short trip down roads we will soon travel. You're invited to join us, in prayer, by way of financial support, or perhaps some day coming to see what we see..and joining the adventure as we make a difference to one more...in the name of love.
Praise reports: We have reached 34% of our support goal and are now proud owners of UK Visas. Yipeeee!!!!! (We've been told few people get their visas without some complications, our applications were processed without a hitch)
My employer has been most gracious to allow me to stay on staff until the house is sold. I had intended to leave my job as of 12/31/08.
Prayer requests: The US housing market is in one of its worst slumps ever. Thankfully God doesn't read the paper. Please join us in our petition that the right buyers come at the right time with the right offer. Also, we do need to raise the remaining 2/3 of our support. Your prayers for this are much appreciated. Lastly, would you help us pray for patience? Our hearts are in Europe, but everything else is still here. Thank you.
A Blessed and Happy New Year to all.
Paul and Mary.
We are running on faith, but we are not running alone.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Here, There, and Everywhere
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Is there anybody out there?
It almost makes you wonder if Jesus asked the same question (albeit rhetorically) as He began His ministry. Is there anybody out there who is hurting? Lonely? Sick? Unloved? Abandoned? Downcast? Repressed? He knew the answer was a resounding "Yes."
But would the question possibly arise again? Is there anybody out there who would accept His message of Love, Healing, Forgiveness, and Grace? To that there was no guarantee.
When the time came to choose His disciple did Jesus wonder if there was anyone out there who would not only follow Him, but carry on His work once He was gone? Fortunately the answer was "yes". The work of this small group of common men spread the Gospel across the known world, with some of the first missionary trips taking the Good News to Europe.
Fast forward a few thousand years to 2008. Those same nations once visited by the apostles have recently emerged from decades of political control. Since early in the 20th century there was no need for God. The "State" would provide for their needs. Those years of communism, socialism, fascism, nazism, thisism,and thatism, slowly eroded away the hearts and souls of the people. Each new generation knew less of who God was, or why He even mattered.
Today the question gets asked again: In the nations of Europe: Is there anybody out there? Addicted to drugs? Selling their bodies? Considering suicide? Having abortions? Lonely? Sick? Abused? Scared? Crying out in hope there is someone who can make their lives worth living? And statistics paint a horrible picture of the despair of this present generation. As it was 2000 years ago, it is today...the answer is still "yes". The answer is still Jesus, and it is time to bring the Light of the World back to Europe.
So now the question is asked of us, collectively. Is there anybody out there? Willing to pray for the unreached peoples of Europe? Willing to sacrifice (yes sacrifice) to support those going to join the battle? Willing to be part of the solution, part of a legacy, part of the adventure, and part of the blessing?
To those of you whom have already answered "yes" we thank you and truly appreciate you. To those of you who whom might have questions or need more information, feel free to contact us via email: paul@going4the1.com or mary@going4the1.com.
Personal Prayer Requests:
> Our home is for sale...would you join us in prayer for a buyer?
> We are applying for our British visas next week. Would you join us in prayer for a smooth/speedy application process?
> Our financial support. We need to have a least 95% of our support raised prior to our departure. We are currently at 21%. With seven weeks left to go, we truly need your prayers on this one!
Thanks again...everyone. Paul and Mary.
We are running on faith, but we are not running alone.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I walk the road, horizons change....
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Against the Wind
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Point of Know Return
We have all been there. We have all stood at that point, where we know the next step, word, or action will influence the rest of our lives. We may not recall our first infant attempts at walking, but it is a sure bet if you close your eyes you can remember such events as; taking a driving test for the first (second, third) time, a first date, a first kiss, graduation, first job interview, marriage proposal, the list goes on and on. We have all taken that leap of faith, and if you are reading this, you have survived the outcome. Congratulations.
Do we always know how things will turn out? Do we always have the facts? Do we always know it will turn out as we have planned? Honestly, no. But if the outcome hoped for outweighs the risk, we take a deep breath, say a quick prayer and walk past the point of k(no)w return. “No return” because there are no do-overs in real life. “Know return” because we are fully aware of the chance we take, yet we go on anyway.
As of this Tuesday past, another such step has been taken . Our house is now listed for sale. We are having a moving sale tomorrow, and sorting through the needed, unwanted, and the “where did this come from”. It already feels as if we longer live here. Your prayers for a timely and smooth transaction are deeply appreciated.
There is another step that needs to be taken. With January 6th only 87 days away we must turn our time and energy to putting together the support base needed to make this adventure a reality. Our yearly expenses will be approximately $50,000 (US). This would include taxes, tithes, housing, transportation, food, clothing, water, electricity, heat, an occasional Dr Pepper, etc. We are about 14% of the way there.
That next step mentioned a moment ago is yours to take. Simple, direct, and to the point, would you consider being a member of our support team? What your involvement would look like is up to you. Frankly, a group of supporters able to give monthly works in our best interest, this would allow us to plan accordingly and live without wondering if we can stay another month. However, it would be foolish to ignore the fact there are some folks out there who have never been involved in something like this before, and might be able to share a special gift for starters.
We can play with the math in so many different ways. One hundred people able to give $50.00/month, or fifty people being able to give $100/month…or 5 people giving $1000/month. Or, here’s a crazy idea…. This newsletter goes out to about 250 people…what if everyone forwarded it to everyone on their email list, say they know 125 people, and those 125 know 60...if this email just went out to those people, it would reach 1,875,000 people. If 1% of those people donated $8.00, our three-year goal would be met. Odds are it will be a mix of a variety of scenarios.
Some of you reading this are already actively involved, thank you. Some of you have been following these updates and have not made a decision…if you have questions or need more information, please let us know. Some of you are new to this and are wondering just what is it we are planning on doing. Please visit our website for an overview of the adventure ahead. You can also read past newsletters on our blog then feel free to contact us with any questions. Lest we forget, those of you willing to provide prayer support are equally welcome.
So, what ‘s next??? The crux of the matter is we need to know if you are with us.
Would you reply to this email with a simple answer?
Yes...(Great... we’ll be in touch.)
Maybe…(Understood…what questions do you have?)
No…(Cool…let us know if you want to stay in the loop.)
All our love…Paul and Mary
We are running on faith, but we are not running alone.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Breakin' the law
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
On the road to find out
There is an old story about two friends (Bill and Bob) who went fishing one day, on a very large lake. As the morning turned to afternoon, and then on to evening, they drifted further and further toward the middle of the lake. A bit of a breeze and drop in the air temperature stirred Bill from his daydreaming. A look at the western horizon showed a massive storm bearing down on them. Bill quickly alerted Bob and asked..."Do we paddle or pray?" Bob calmly surveyed the sky, the distance to the shore, and the sky again before replying..."Both."
So we find ourselves in a similar position. Being ready by January 6th is our "storm",and the paddling includes raising support, selling the house, and most immediately, heading to the
the next week or so to find a place to call home, plus countless other details.
You'd think if God wanted us to do this He would make it much easier.
>> Rather than have to contact hundreds of people in search of supporters, why not just let us win the lottery?
>> Why should we have to market the house? Shouldn't someone just show up and offer twice the market value for it?
>>Get visas? What for? We're on a mission from God!
>>Shouldn't someone just donate a car and free gas...who needs $10/gal petrol anyway?
It seems like we have to go through quite a lot of growing, stretching and being faithful to take on a job with no pay.....doh....maybe that is the point. God wants to prepare us for what lies ahead, and He knows we cannot do this on our own.
This is where the prayer part comes in....because this whole process is beyond our means, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially. We cannot do this alone. Would you be in prayer for us as we look for a place to live? Would you be in prayer as we seek to find a buyer for our house? And here is the dangerous one....would you be in prayer as we seek to build our support network? (What's so dangerous about this one you ask....the support network just might include you.)
Thank you.
We are running on faith, but we are not running alone.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Amazing Journey (Part Three)
Now for the rest of the story... here's where someone really hit the big "On" switch.
July 2001, Bilina Czech Republic. Our church has put together a short-term mission team to assist a pastor in this small town (pop. 20,000) near the Czech/German border.
This trip is significant on a number of levels. Twas on this trip we worked with Next Level International for the first time. This was also the first time I had the opportunity to preach. Yet there was something else that moved me deep within my soul.
Ever see someone completely out of their element, so far from their comfort zone they may never find their way back...yet still mold themselves into the situation as if it was something they did every day? With a child-like enthusiasm they take on new tasks, regardless of the discomfort or potential for embarrassment. One team member in particular exemplified this type of joyful servanthood.
In the course of a ten day stay she cleaned floors, hugged children, ate strange food, taught Bible lessons to gypsy kids and perhaps the crowning moment of the whole trip was evidenced when she donned a home-made clown costume and talked of salvation to a group a children, using the salvation bracelet as her guide.
Every new day and every new challenge was met with a smile. Never a complaint, never a grumble... (ok after a week of no fresh veggies she did mention a craving for salad...but even that was done with grace). Unphased by inconvenience and unashamed to share her faith, you'd swear she had done this a million times before. But this was only her second mission trip.
Day after day I quietly marveled at her resolve and enthusiasm. (Try teaching a Bible lesson to 120+ kids who don't speak your language). And in the midst of all this a seed was planted in my mind....what if this woman was able to do this every day? You know how some folks just seem to "fit" in a career or vocation. She certainly had me convinced....which is a good thing...because I was watching my wife.
Even as I am writing this, Mary is making a new clown costume for our upcoming trip to Nicaragua, and the salvation bracelets are ready to be packed. With a little help from a translator, and God, she will again dive into the challenge. She'll laugh and cry, she'll pray and sing....and not care who is watching. She'll burn every ounce of energy she has in an all out effort to teach and reach this new flock of lost lambs.
Married couples often wonder why they got together, stayed together, and haven't actually carried out their fantasy of getting rid of the other....we've been blessed with the knowledge that we are a team...we go forward into our Big Adventure, hand in hand, one being brave enough to convince the scared one that all will be OK....taking turns carrying, and being carried...sharing smiles with tears, peace with fears...why did I agree with God to take this step?? Because He gave me my True Companion to share the trip.
For those of you keeping track...as of today we are t-minus 6 months and 4 days. We ask that you'd please continue to pray for us as we sell the house and furnishings, meet with potential partners, and figure out what to pack and what to leave behind. Thank you.
We are running on faith, but we are not running alone.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Amazing Journey (Part Two)
Last month found our hero returning from the wilds of Mexico, reflecting on what had been witnessed on his first missions trip. Not realising the long-term effects on his life. (If you missed it, feel free to get caught up by reading last month's newsletter at www.pmtriller.blogspot.com)
Let's fast forward a year or two. Missions trip #2, this one to Guatemala. But rather than being just a participant, I was able to help plan this trip from the beginning...and in this case we were not going to help a pastor, but a missionary couple, a very interesting missionary couple.
Our team came to finish a church building, and construct a playground area. We also had the the opportunity to preach, share testimonies, and interact with the villagers. The team was mostly teens, many of which had never been on such a trip. But the real story here is about Mike and Rocky...tho' the "Nick has a gun" story is worth asking about.
Mike and Rocky Beene have been serving in some very remote parts of Guatemala for close to 20 years now. Rocky decided she wanted to bring the Good News to Central America. So at 18, with no big ministry backing, she finds herself in Honduras. About the same time in Texas, God is dealing with an drunk cowboy named Mike. An odd combination to say the least, but Mike finds his way into the mission field, and meets Rocky in Costa Rica. They get married, move to Guatemala, and start their ministry and their family, while living out of a pickup truck and a tent.
Over the years they built; a house, multiple churches, a clinic, a dorm, they trained pastors, started a coffee growing project, help get water to the nearby villages, had four children, cleared a road up the mountain, started a home building project, stitched machete induced wounds, and delivered babies. They started with no electricity, no running water, no phones, no house.... but overcame all these obstacles with a determination and drive that is rare in this day and age of convenience.
Have they made a difference? The answer is "Yes". But how to quantify the results may be difficult. They have literally saved lives in their clinic.They have saved souls in the churches they helped establish. They have improved living conditions by helping get clean water and by building new homes with a real floor (rather than having kids sleeping on dirt.) But I think the real proof came just last year when their daughter, Kayla (now 18), decided to follow mom and dad's footsteps. She is now a missionary in Australia.
What does all this have to do with what lies ahead for Mary and I??? To us, Mike and Rocky are an inspiration. We look at what they have done, and how God has provided, and we are encouraged.
Yes, they live a crazy life, oft-times dangerous, and not without its share of tears. No one can argue their life is not for everyone. ( Mary and I have no intention of having four more children.)
But this couple has served, and persevered....and with such joy.
We pray we can look back 20 years from now and say the same. But before we look back, we need to look ahead. Our story is just starting. Our joys, set-backs, triumphs, and challenges are still in their boxes, awaiting the day we reach Europe and start living the Adventure.
So Mexico opened my eyes to the what missionary work can do. Guatemala opened my heart... next month you'll learn what opened my spirit.
We are running on faith, but we are not running alone.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Amazing Journey (Part One)
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Born to run
This can also happen when you hear about an anniversary of some world event. Last year I realised I am older than Sputnik and Legos....so sometimes they are memory news clips, you know the "where was I when...?" Who out there recalls where they were when John F Kennedy was assassinated? (I was in first grade) Or the Apollo 11 moon landing? (I was 12) Or when MTV broadcast their first music video? Or the fall of communism in Europe?
How often have you found yourself taking a bit of a personal inventory at these time? I once had someone ask me...."How is your dash?" Think of a tombstone for a second....oft times you will see the year someone was born...then a hyphen (dash) and the year they died. The time in-between is your "dash". In your dash are things you cannot change, where you were born, your name, where you lived as a child...these were things out of our control. As we grew older we starting taking more control over our lives. Sometimes we made mistakes....sometimes we played the hero. Hopefully we all learned from both.
But if you're still reading this, your dash isn't over yet. What lies ahead? What changes can you make? How can you impact the people around you? Is there somewhere in your neighbourhood, your city, your nation, or somewhere on the planet you can make a difference?
Part of our DNA, part of our very core being wants to create a better world. Whatever you call it, deep down inside we want to be remembered, we want to create a legacy. We want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We weren't born to be static...we were born to run.
God has used ordinary people to do extraordinary things for thousands of years. Some give of their talents. Some offer prayer. Some can provide financial support. Some put feet to their faith and go to serve. Each part is integral, each part thrives when all the others are in synch. So it is when all these parts of the equation come together....things like this happen....(excerpt from a letter describing what happened during an NLI short term mission trip to Slovakia) After some worship, testimonies, and a dance, one of the team preached about the lady who had been ill for years, and how she reached out to touch Jesus' coat and was immediately healed. Afterwards we asked if anyone would like us to pray with them: many did. Mark, one of the team members, prayed for a little girl (about 8yrs old). She was deaf. He prayed, knowing he could do nothing, but WITH God all things are possible. The interpreter repeated to the little girl all that Mark had said, and then clicked his fingers by the side of her ear. She spun her head round in amazement - she had heard the click. The leader of the small Christian group on the site spoke to us afterwards and said he knew the girl and her mum, and it was true that she had been born deaf. God gave her back her hearing that day. Awesome!
Do stories like this stir up something inside you? Does it make you wonder where could you fit in? There are many opportunities out there looking for someone, just like you, to fulfill a role....to make a change...to create a legacy.
Our ministry is one of those places. We invite you the learn more about what we're doing and where you could make a difference. Tis your move.....
Friday, February 1, 2008
Wonderin' Aloud
How many of us over the years have found ourselves buying box after box of Caramel Delights, Peanut Butter Patties, or my favourite...Thin Mints? What's the attraction? What's the Big Deal? What is the secret ingredient that has us buying these cookies year after year?
It isn't the sugar, flour, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, or the natural flavours. It isn't the box, nor the price. No, it isn't even the fact they are kosher. We are willing to part with about $3.50/box because it involves a cause. We are investing in these girls, and the cookies are just a nice fringe benefit.
You are probably asking yourself two questions right about now: 1) When will Girls Scout Cookies be available again? 2) What does this have to do with the ministry ?
Answer to Question 1: I don't know.
Answer to Question 2: You have the opportunity to become involved in something not too dissimilar to buying those cookies, and being part of a Cause, but with two major differences; Your support has impact both physically and spiritually. Plus it carries through from this life into the eternal.
So let's see how this would sound....
How about a box of Compassion? The ingredients include...."Your support was crucial to helping a new ministry reach out to pregnant teens in a part of Europe that has more abortions per year than live births"
Or perhaps a box of Caring? Made with...."Your involvement made it possible to partner with a church plant in a nation where they have the highest teen suicide rate in Europe."
Or maybe you'd prefer two boxes of Loving Kindness. A unique blend of...." Mobilisation of people from around the globe to help rekindle the Light of the World in some of the planet's most atheistic nations"
Granted these aren't the catchiest product names ever conceived, but you get the point.
So...would you like to buy some cookies?
(Factoid: France has more practicing Muslims than Christians)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Break on Through
Sasha had just started a new church at that time and was eager to share their story. He had faith, high hopes, and an unwavering dedication to following God's instruction.
Two years later I happen to run into Sasha again, this time in Poland. His wife was home with a cold, so we "adopted" him for the week. Over Polish Pizza and Cokes we had time to hear more about his now not so new church in Kraljevo. At the end of the week we made sure to exchange contact info and the made the all so typical promise to keep in touch. Oddly enough, we have kept that promise.
I received an email from Sasha just today, and in it he shared a short update on their Christmas service. I'd like to share in with you...He also included the images you see in this message.
Dear Paul & Mary,
Hope you had a good Christmas and New Year. I am sure things are getting back to normal now.
Christmas in Kraljevo went very well. We had a wonderful service on our Christmas eve (6. January) in our church. The church was packed with people. We had to take all the chairs out and people were standing throughout all the service. Many, who were not able to come inside because of no space, were standing in our garden. Altogether we had 140 - 150 present and all these are people we have contact and are working with. Our children did a fantastic nativity play and I preached a simple and clear message about the real meaning of Christmas entitled "The birth of Jesus - our Saviour and friend". I am sending you a few pictures so you can see.
Wishing you every blessing,
Now 140-150 people at a Christmas Service may not sound like much to you, and the "bathrobes and beards" certainly are nothing new in the arena of kid's nativity productions. But you need to know the rest of the story.....Sasha's church plant is one of the few in that region of the country. The population has a large Turkish presence, and there is a very strong Muslim influence on the culture. Those two factors alone have kept most Christians in the shadows. Add to that the mindset that many of the citizens consider Christianity a cult, and are openly violent towards them, you get the idea that only a lunatic would start a church in this environment. Oh...I almost forgot....Sasha has had death threats made against him, his wife, and children. He has had his car vandalized....and about a year and a half ago his church was firebombed. Yes, firebombed.
It is in this repressive atmosphere that these 140-150 saints gathered to praise the birth of Jesus. Despite social pressure, physical danger, and what sound like almost insurmountable odds....this church is alive and thriving. This story is just one of hundreds that could be told about the great works taking place throughout Europe. Sasha is just one out of hundreds of pastors being trained and helped through NLI's short-term missions teams. We are ready to join the adventure with Sasha and his brethren....you can come too.