How many of us over the years have found ourselves buying box after box of Caramel Delights, Peanut Butter Patties, or my favourite...Thin Mints? What's the attraction? What's the Big Deal? What is the secret ingredient that has us buying these cookies year after year?
It isn't the sugar, flour, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, or the natural flavours. It isn't the box, nor the price. No, it isn't even the fact they are kosher. We are willing to part with about $3.50/box because it involves a cause. We are investing in these girls, and the cookies are just a nice fringe benefit.
You are probably asking yourself two questions right about now: 1) When will Girls Scout Cookies be available again? 2) What does this have to do with the ministry ?
Answer to Question 1: I don't know.
Answer to Question 2: You have the opportunity to become involved in something not too dissimilar to buying those cookies, and being part of a Cause, but with two major differences; Your support has impact both physically and spiritually. Plus it carries through from this life into the eternal.
So let's see how this would sound....
How about a box of Compassion? The ingredients include...."Your support was crucial to helping a new ministry reach out to pregnant teens in a part of Europe that has more abortions per year than live births"
Or perhaps a box of Caring? Made with...."Your involvement made it possible to partner with a church plant in a nation where they have the highest teen suicide rate in Europe."
Or maybe you'd prefer two boxes of Loving Kindness. A unique blend of...." Mobilisation of people from around the globe to help rekindle the Light of the World in some of the planet's most atheistic nations"
Granted these aren't the catchiest product names ever conceived, but you get the point.
So...would you like to buy some cookies?
(Factoid: France has more practicing Muslims than Christians)