
The story thus far.....Mary and I have agreed with God to pursue His vision for us as missionaries. We are living in the UK and working to expand the Kingdom across all of Europe.

Ready to become part of the adventure?

Feel free to contact us at pjt@going4the1.com or mary@going4the1.com.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


T-minus four months and six days, not that we're counting.

Ever see one of those artist's renderings of a new building? You know the ones, the beautiful representation of something that doesn't exist....quite yet. These images can be a painting or perhaps a scale model of someone's dream. No one lives or works in these buildings, yet. The trees in the picture don't exist, nor do the people so casually strolling past, yet. But someday, somewhere, with the right permits, planning, money and all the other pieces that need to come together, this vision can become a reality.

Can you image the designer walking into the office of a building contractor, handing him the painting of his dream design, and saying...”OK...Build this.”? Even with my limited knowledge of architecture and construction, I realise there is a little more to it than this. Someone needs to provide details about foundations, plumbing, wiring, flooring, windows, stairs, elevators, ceilings, paint, bathrooms, phone lines, concrete, steel....and all that needs to be translated into a number of blueprint drawings explaining where it all goes. And of course, someone has to buy into this dream, someone will want to see it happen.

That is where we find ourselves....we've been drawing the picture, painting in the colours, bringing the dream to life through these updates, letters, and conversations. The blueprints have been drawn, the time line established. Is this dream worthy of someone's investment?

Is this enough to get you involved? We've agreed to volunteer with Next Level International for the next three years. Mary will be helping in the finance office, and more importantly, actively involved as NLI develops its first children's ministry program. Paul will be the short-term missions team coordinator, facilitating the logistics of pairing teams from all over the world with churches in Europe. Interesting, but job descriptions rarely inspiring, are they?

How about this? After decades of socialism, communism, fascism, and Nazism, millions of Europeans have grown up with no knowledge of the importance of a relationship with God. Even with the fall of communism, the void created has been filled with suicide, drug abuse, crime and despair. Estimates are it will take 300,000 churches to help bring Europe back to Christ. In nations, home to some of the most significant moves of God in modern history, the current generation is lost and unaware of His importance. 

The vision...is to reach those lost, one at a time. NLI has set a goal to be actively involved in all 47 nations of Europe by the year 2020. Like the artist's rendering...we see the vision... we see the goal....but we're not there, yet. In the next four months we need to establish a support team, financial partners willing to help make the dream a reality, prayer partners to protect us as we step into the fray. We're going, physically, mentally, spiritually, and you can be part of this through your support. Our steps will be your steps, our triumphs will also be your triumphs...and most importantly, we will all share in the blessings. 

Next steps: Have you heard enough to say...”yes” this is something we want to be part of? Or do you need more information? Do you think we're nuts....or crazy enough for all the right reasons? We're already stepping out in faith....we need to know who is going with us. Would you please take a moment to send an email with your thoughts, comments, questions, prayers? 
Thank you. Paul and Mary

We are running on faith, but we are not running alone.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Breakin' the law

Greetings from Prague....the trip thus far... last Monday we headed from Orlando to the UK (by way of Houston, but that is another story) We arrived in London Tuesday morning and headed north to Bedworth where we began the search for our next home. We spent most of Tuesday being shown around the area, visiting estate agents, and getting a good idea of what's what in living space in the area around NLI.

On Wednesday we spent almost all day at the NLI office getting brought up to speed on the new plans for the ministry, and how that will affect our positions upon our arrival in January, this too is another story, stay tuned.

Thursday we flew to Prague to be in town for a wedding on Friday. The wedding was in a chateau near the German border...I'll post some pix later in the week.

So here it is Saturday night, we just got back in from a long stroll around Prague's 'Old Town", lunch at McDonalds, a baroque concert and we learned what happens when you get on the Metro with the wrong type of ticket....long story short...we are $100.00 smarter that we were earlier today.

We have another day to see the sights tomorrow, and then home on Monday. .we look forward to coming home............What a long strange trip it has been.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

On the road to find out

There is an old story about two friends (Bill and Bob) who went fishing one day, on a very large lake. As the morning turned to afternoon, and then on to evening, they drifted further and further toward the middle of the lake. A bit of a breeze and drop in the air temperature stirred Bill from his daydreaming. A look at the western horizon showed a massive storm bearing down on them. Bill quickly alerted Bob and asked..."Do we paddle or pray?" Bob calmly surveyed the sky, the distance to the shore, and the sky again before replying..."Both."

So we find ourselves in a similar position. Being ready by January 6th is our "storm",and the paddling includes raising support, selling the house, and most immediately, heading to the UK in
the next week or so to find a place to call home, plus countless other details.

You'd think if God wanted us to do this He would make it much easier.
>> Rather than have to contact hundreds of people in search of supporters, why not just let us win the lottery?
>> Why should we have to market the house? Shouldn't someone just show up and offer twice the market value for it?
>>Get visas? What for? We're on a mission from God!
>>Shouldn't someone just donate a car and free gas...who needs $10/gal petrol anyway?

It seems like we have to go through quite a lot of growing, stretching and being faithful to take on a job with no pay.....doh....maybe that is the point. God wants to prepare us for what lies ahead, and He knows we cannot do this on our own.

This is where the prayer part comes in....because this whole process is beyond our means, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially. We cannot do this alone. Would you be in prayer for us as we look for a place to live? Would you be in prayer as we seek to find a buyer for our house? And here is the dangerous one....would you be in prayer as we seek to build our support network? (What's so dangerous about this one you ask....the support network just might include you.)

Thank you.

We are running on faith, but we are not running alone.