
The story thus far.....Mary and I have agreed with God to pursue His vision for us as missionaries. We are living in the UK and working to expand the Kingdom across all of Europe.

Ready to become part of the adventure?

Feel free to contact us at pjt@going4the1.com or mary@going4the1.com.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

One more...in the name of love

Ever hear this one? A young boy is on vacation with his family, and this is the first time he has ever seen the ocean. Very early, on the first morning of their stay, he heads outdoors to walk the beach. The sun is just rising and the tide is out. As his eyes adjust to the growing daylight he realises the beach is covered with starfish, left behind by the receding waters. In a near- frenzy he begins picking up the stranded starfish and running them to water, to safety, away from death. In the midst of countless trips back and forth from sand to sea, he is interrupted by a man passing by. The stranger asks him "What are you doing young man?" "I trying to save all these starfish, they will die in the sun. They must get back into the water!", was the boy's reply. The man looked up the beach at all starfish and told the boy, 'You're wasting your time. You cannot save them all....all you work won't make a difference." The young boy looked up and down the beach, then down at his feet. Picking up one more starfish and casting it back into the sea, he looked the man straight in the eye and said, "It made a difference to that one."

I love the simplicity of that story. The message is so clear, so innocent. In a contest between childlike faith and cold hard reality, my money will always be on the kid.

Does this mean we live in a fairy tale world where everything always comes out right in the end? Is this adventure of ours to serve as missionaries in Europe just some kind of Peter Pan escapism? Or are we just crazy? The answer to at least two of those is definitely a resounding "No."

Granted, interacting with people, especially when we are strangers in their land, is not as simple as casting starfish into the sea. Nor is trying to open their eyes to a God that has been outlawed in their nation for decades. But we are called to go. We seek to save one more...in the name of love.

NLI had over 30 short term mission teams working in Europe this past year. These teams came from across the globe to minister in Slovakia, Romania, Spain, The Czech Republic, Poland and Romania. Over 300 volunteers gave of themselves to share the Good News. Not in massive rallies or outreaches, but in small groups, where they could meet people face to face, Where they could shares prayers, tears, and laughter. Did it make any difference? Allow me to share some feedback from the teams themselves, and you be the judge.

Slovakia>> "In the Crisis Orphanage we entered a room where the children were not familiar with visitors; these precious ones had been horribly abused and many could not even speak because they were so traumatized. Some never smiled, some were fearful of the males in our group. We began to blow up some animal balloons and interact with the children, after 4 hours of playing, skits and having fun almost every child was laughing and squealing with delight. When I asked the director of the home if there was anything we could do to bless them her answer was, 'You already have, just by coming and playing with the children. Apparently many churches come to the home to drop off toys etc. but no one will come in because there are gypsy children in the home, we were the first to actually go in, this was just one of the many open doors of which we were privileged to be a part."

Romania>> “The incredible love and commitment shown by so many local folk, many of whom have been through much persecution, put my own faith in the shade, but I know God used us to bless and be blessed.We have had our hearts and vision enlarged; we have been raised to a higher level of intimacy with God and of hearing the Holy Spirit; and we have returned so excited about who God is and what He can do. Our perspective has changed and we can never be the same again - nor would we want to.”

So there's a peek into the world where we will soon find ourselves. A short trip down roads we will soon travel. You're invited to join us, in prayer, by way of financial support, or perhaps some day coming to see what we see..and joining the adventure as we make a difference to one more...in the name of love.

Praise reports: We have reached 34% of our support goal and are now proud owners of UK Visas. Yipeeee!!!!! (We've been told few people get their visas without some complications, our applications were processed without a hitch)
My employer has been most gracious to allow me to stay on staff until the house is sold. I had intended to leave my job as of 12/31/08.

Prayer requests:
The US housing market is in one of its worst slumps ever. Thankfully God doesn't read the paper. Please join us in our petition that the right buyers come at the right time with the right offer. Also, we do need to raise the remaining 2/3 of our support. Your prayers for this are much appreciated. Lastly, would you help us pray for patience? Our hearts are in Europe, but everything else is still here. Thank you.

A Blessed and Happy New Year to all.
Paul and Mary.

We are running on faith, but we are not running alone.