Have you ever heard the expression, “Weary not in well doing”? After multiple trips to Slovakia to help train pastors, specifically in the area of Kid’s Ministry, we weren’t sure how it would translate from training to action. All the preparation, travel, training, and weird food was starting to take its toll. Then we received some great news from Peter & Lucia our Church Plant Pastors in Brezno.
Here’s Lucia’s story…A few weeks ago three ladies from NLI come to our town to help us with the kids club. To our surprise more kids than usual came that day and there was a group of gypsy kids among them. The gypsies really enjoyed the clubs and started to come regularly. There were many opportunities to talk to them about God and they were really listening. They were so pleased anyone would spend time with them. Most of them are dirty and smelly, but we still like them. Sadly, their parents do not take proper care of them. They do not: wash their clothes properly, teach them basic hygiene, how to speak proper Slovak, about going to school regularly, and because of these, and other things, there are racism problems in our town.
In our hearts we knew there has to be some way to help. One day we visited the town hall and to our surprise social workers from all Brezno communities were in the middle of a meeting, but they were very keen to know what we needed. We explained we are a church working with kids and we came because we work with some gypsies as well and would like to help in some practical ways.
Since that visit, the partnership of the church and town government officials has grown. In mere months children that have been left behind are receiving attention:
-With the help of the church, the social workers have now started some new projects with the gypsies. There are now 2 social workers and a young teacher assigned to this community. The teacher works with preschool kids and teaches them basic things, including hygiene, speaking Slovak, drawing, counting, colors, all needed if they are ever to attend school.
-Classes were being held outdoors, twice a week, in a meadow to play and learn. The church realized the need for a proper meeting place, so they have offered their church building.
Although this is just a beginning, we are very excited about the future. Peter and Lucia were asked to help in other communities in the area. They have been praying to God to show them how to reach out to their town and to fulfill the many needs. Lucia sums it up like this, ”This is a great need and we really want to be a part of it’s accomplishment. Please pray for us and this new ministry of ours. We need God’s leading, wisdom and strength in this hard work. We want to be a light to this people and to bring them the Gospel as well. A very encouraging thing is that the social workers know we are Christians and they have permitted us to talk to gypsies about the Biblical truth and how Jesus Christ can change life completely.”
This is just one story of what is currently happening in Europe. Peter and Lucia are giving all they have for their community just as you are giving to be a part of the new stories in places like Brezno and beyond. Paul and I want to thank you for your prayers, your encouragement, and your financial support so we can be a part of these lives. Stories like these continue to explain why we are here, why we were called, and why all of you are so necessary to be part of the solutions, adventures, and the blessings. God bless you all and thanks from the bottom of our and Peter and Lucia’s hearts!
Mary and Paul
Stay in touch via email: mary@going4the1.com paul@going4the1.com.
Paul and Mary Triller 202 Hospital Lane Bedworth UK CV120JY
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